
在日前举行的《2021年度亚洲法律大赏asialaw Awards 2021》线上颁奖仪式上,本事务所被授予「客户服务卓悦奖Client Service Excellence」。

向客戶持續提供高品質的法律服務一直是本所的服務理念。亞洲法律調研團隊這樣評價本所: “在澳門,力圖律師事務所一直在客戶服務方面獲得最高評分。客戶評價該所法律團隊經驗豐富、專業且高效,評委們對此印象深刻。力圖總是能夠對客戶的需求做出及時回應。Rato Ling Lei & Cortés received the most consistent and highest overall scores for client service for Macau. The judges were impressed that Rato Ling Lei & Cortés’ clients had praised the firm for the performance of its experienced, professional and efficient team, who had always responded promptly to clients’ needs.”

一位元從事消費品和服務行業的客戶在評價律師的正面特徵時,特別稱讚了華海倫律師:“她是一位具有人格魅力的專業律師。華律師在本公司IPO專案期間與我們密切合作,我們總能從她那裡得到及時有效的回饋。When commenting on a lawyer’s positive attributes, a client in the consumer goods and services sector specifically praised HelenaValente: “She is a professional lawyer with a great personality. Helena worked closely with us during the IPO project, and we always get prompt and efficient feedback from her.”
