LEKTOU ranked in Tier 1 in the IFLR1000 Financial and Corporate section
The IFLR1000 2023 Rankings have been released!
We are delighted to announce that once again our firm has been ranked in Tier 1 in the Financial and Corporate section. Our lawyers continue to maintain a great performance, with our Frederico Rato and Pedro Cortés distinguished once again as Highly Regarded Lawyers. Our Lei Wun Kong has been ranked as a Notable Practitioner for the first time. And our Calvin Tinlop Chui has been ranked as a Rising Star Partner.
Special thank you to all our Clients who participated in the research process and also to the IFLR research editors. Lauds also to all Macau firms and lawyers ranked.
Congratulations to our entire team in Macau, Lisbon, Hengqin, and Shenzhen who continue to make this possible!