Home People
António Pedro Jorge Rodrigues

Portugal, Associate Lawyer

+351 962 464 651 PORTUGAL antonio.rodrigues@lektou.com View profile
Beatriz Segorbe

Macau, Senior Counsel

beatriz.segorbe@lektou.com View profile
Calvin Tinlop Chui

Macau, Co-Managing Partner

chui@lektou.com View profile
Carla Veiga

Macau, Jurist in Macau | Lawyer in Cape Verde | Lawyer in Portugal

veiga@lektou.com View profile
Carolina de Esmeriz Garcia

Portugal, Trainee Lawyer

carolina.garcia@lektou.com View profile
Chang San Chi, Raimundo

Macau, Senior Partner | Private Notary

+853 6667 2742 chang@lektou.com View profile
Chiang Kin Nam, Bernardo

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

bchiang@lektou.com View profile
Chu Chan In, Alex

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

alex.chu@lektou.com View profile
Frederico Rato

Macau, Founding Partner | Private Notary

rato@lektou.com View profile
Gu Yuting

Portugal, Trainee Lawyer

M +351 932 130 808 gu.yuting@lektou.com View profile
Helena Nazaré Valente

Macau, Partner | Lawyer in Macau | Lawyer in Portugal

+853 6309 1871 valente@lektou.com View profile
Ho Nga Lam, Stephanie

Macau, Lawyer

stephanie.ho@lektou.com View profile
Ip Weng Io, Christina

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

christina.ip@lektou.com View profile
João Carronda

Macau, CEO

View profile
Lai Ieng Ng

Portugal, Partner | Lawyer in Portugal | Jurist in Macau

lai@lektou.com View profile
Lei Wun Kong

Macau, Senior Partner | Private Notary | China Attesting Officer

+853 6667 6740 MACAU | +86 15338159832 CHINA lei@lektou.com View profile
Leong Kuok Pan, Bernardo

Macau, Partner

lkpan@lektou.com View profile
Leong Pou U, Bowie

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

bowie.leong@lektou.com View profile
Luíndha, Chan Weng Man

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

luindha.chan@lektou.com View profile
Luís Portela de Carvalho

Portugal, Partner | Lawyer in Portugal

+351 911 140 262 PORTUGAL luis.carvalho@lektou.com View profile
Luís Rôlo

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

luis.rolo@lektou.com View profile
Marta Mourão

Macau, Lawyer | Lawyer in Macau | Lawyer in Portugal

mourao@lektou.com View profile
Mei Wa Sit, Mia

Macau, Trainee Lawyer

mia.sit@lektou.com View profile
Óscar Alberto Madureira

Portugal, Of Counsel

madureira@lektou.com View profile
Paula Ling Hsião Yun

Macau, Senior Partner | Private Notary | China Attesting Officer

ling@lektou.com View profile
Pedro Cortés

Macau, Managing Partner | Lawyer in Macau | Lawyer in Portugal | Lawyer in Shenzhen | Lawyer in Brasil | Lawyer in Timor-Leste

D +853 8797 5607 M +853 6291 1991 MACAU M +852 6718 8398 HONG KONG M +351 9242 18132 PORTUGAL cortes@lektou.com View profile
Tânia Pinho

Portugal, Of Counsel

M +351 914 483 197 tania.pinho@lektou.com View profile
Tou Wai Fong

Macau, Of Counsel

tou@lektou.com View profile
Wong Ka I, Vanessa

Macau, Lawyer

vanessa.wong@lektou.com View profile
Wong Weng Si, Ashley

Macau, Jurist

ashley.wong@lektou.com View profile
Yue Chi Kei, Jessica

Macau, Jurist

jessica.yue@lektou.com View profile

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